ColorQuartz is packed in 25 kg PE ventile bags
Available standard ColorQuartz granulations
- 0,4-0,9 mm
- 0,5-1,0 mm
- 0,8-1,2G mm
- 1,0-2,0 mm
- 1,0-2,2 mm
- 1,6-2,2 mm
- 2,0-3,0 mm Other on request.
ColorQuartz are highly decorative monocolors in specific color collections. The sorted sand granulations are colored with the High-grade UV stable CfQS two components polyurethane system.
The natural sands are washed, sieved and dryed to meet the highest demands which can be expected in case of reproduction. For the technical details of the natural base of these colored sands see our technical datasheet of natural silica sand Quartz Q.
Following ColorQuartz products are available.
ColorQuartz LST LivinSTones, 3 color collections, HDK, MTL monocolors and the trendy HDK mixcolors. LST is the basic raw material for the highly decorative stone carpet flooring systems.
ColorQuartz GRM, traditional colorcollection specially formulated for in- and outdoor use. Suitable for industrial flooring systems or wall finishings.
ColorQuartz IC InduCast, highly decorative colors mainly for indoor use. Suitable for industrial flooring systems, decoration, wall finishings.